Well, the first flasking attempt was crash & burn. I don't think the seeds were ready (now that I've seen some that are), I guess the seed opened prematurely. I flasked them in a make-shift cooler with plexi-glass on top. Needless to say, this was a pain in the *** because it was really cramped....and it had no ventilation, so the glass would always fog up.
So, to avoid further frustration and contamination, I built a laminar flow cabinet.
It has a lower chamber, where the air enters through a pre-filter on the back wall.

While sitting in here, waiting to get sucked into the intake fan, the air is exposed to ultraviolet light. After the fan pulls it into the duct (on the front)

, the air is forced through a HEPA filter, as it enters the working chamber.

From here, it is immediately sucked through the exhaust filter & fan on the back wall, where it is expelled to the side of the unit. It has a 10' cord, and once plugged in, it has a light switch, fan speed control, and an extra power source (for plugging in the UV light).....all self-contained.

Just finished flasking round two.....MAN, WHAT A DIFFERENCE. It's amazing how much having the right tool for the job helps. I guess we'll see how it turns out, I'm going for round three, tomorrow!