Well thanks for all the help so far, these are the seeds I bought.
Paphiopedilum Exul
Brassavola Cucullata
Pomatocalpa Spicata
Dendrobium Signatum
Dendrobium Polytrichum
Where did I get them, I am not sure I can post that in the forums, but a picture does say a million words.

I bought from that site cause in a different forum I heard very good things about them. (Selection, Prices, Shipping Time)
I know orchid seeds are tiny and haven't yet opened one of the paper packets to see the seeds and the amount of seeds. The site said Approx 100 seeds, so that is why I am using that number in this post. For all I know it could be a pinch, it could even be empty. Is it ok for me to open one to take a picture of the seeds? (I don't have my glove box ready yet.)
I have had the seeds now for about a month (stored in the fridge) and am going to use them as a test project.
Why those seeds you might ask? Well that was when I didn't know anything about germinating seeds and I bought seeds because of how the flower looked.
About 2 weeks ago my girlfriend and I cross pollinated our Phalaenopsis cause I wanted to get her into the whole process of what I am going to be doing.
Our plan is:
1: Today we are going to be doing the Media making and into 10 baby food jars.
2: Next weekend we are going to be making the glove box.
3: The weekend after that, if our media flasks make it without contamination then we will be sowing the seeds into their mother flasks. I guess with this step it depends on how many contamination free flask we get. If all 10 worked, then I am going to put approx half the pack of seeds per flask. If we only get 5 contamination free flask then the whole pack.
Good Plan??