The contextual information preceding my question:
I'm new to the forums, and it's a pity I didn't join sooner (I've read many posts over the last year). I've recently had a bit of bad luck with my small collection of big box store orchids, and most of them are dead, or declining quickly. I am not in a position to save them, and have decided to never buy an orchid again, until I can move out of the house of my herbicidal mother.
Despite these most unfortunate circumstances, in early August of 2012, I pollinated a Phalaenopsis which was doing quite well until recently. About two months ago, it started to die, because I did not water it. There were two pods, one a little smaller than the other. The smaller of the two pods turned brown and shriveled up first. The second of the two pods remained green and plump, and had been red-tinted for quite some time. After the leaves shriveled up, the healthy pod turned brown and shriveled up as well. Neither pod opened: they were both immature and died before they had a chance to mature.
My question:
Because it is very likely that a few ovules were, indeed, fertilised, I wonder if there will be enough viable embryos for a flasker to flask? I will upload photos later if I can find a camera.
Other information:
I understand that I am an evil person for killing my orchids, but you do not live with my mother, and therefore cannot understand my circumstances enough to not judge me: I am deeply sorry for killing my orchids, and will not be so irresponsible in the future.
If I do derive several Phalaenopsis seedlings from flasking, I intend to give them away. I really do love plants (or at least I used to), and one day hope to return to the hobby as soon as I have a home of my own.