Hello everyone
I have a Zygonisia with two capsules on it, one older than the other. The oldest one is of a cross that has already been registered, so some proven success there. Recently I've noticed a small black spot near the base of it. Also the spike it is on is turning brown. As you'll see in the pics there is also a light orange sort of sticky, kind of yard residue (?) on the spot, which I picked off after the pic. There's a little bit more of the residue nearby this spot. Meanwhile the other capsule remains unaffected. I'm wondering if I should be concerned. Or is it due to their locale? This plant is on the kitchen windowsill, and given that these are warmer plants, so-to-speak, I've been worrying that maybe they're getting too much of a cold draft. It's getting colder and colder here in the evenings and these guys are RIGHT next to the window.
I'm of the belief that I need to find them a new spot in the house, bummer cuz who do I use to fill this spot or is it just too cold! (Nooooo runnning...out...of...space...sorta...

Of course though my question for this discussion forum is about the black spot on the capsule. Oh yes and one of the pbulbs on this plant came with black spots on it, quite a few.