So pleased to hear it. They look great - and you have so many. Years ago I had about 80 Dendrobium nobile given to me. They slowly declined as I was so overloaded with them at once and none of them got the attention they needed. But, after the main plant started to die, the canes started sprouting shoots at about every joint. I was then a little better organized and had over 100 little starts which were just getting growing when our house burned. They were in the basement which was not affected by the flames, but the firemen filled the basement with water trying to put the upstairs out - I was not allowed in the house for several days and needless to say - all were lost; along with my tools, my light setup and my stored art work (drawings). I hate to say it, but I missed my orc's most of all.
Best of luck with the babies - hope you have many more!