I don't know of any specific keiki info resources. - for the most part, care fir them as you would the parent, remembering that small pots dry quickly.
For the Den nobile keiki and winter rest, it depends how big it is ... Winter rest is needed for blooms, so you aren't going to hurt anything by not restricting water and fert. And a tiny keiki may suffer from too little water. I don't know how big they need to be to bloom. Summer last year I was given a couple of nobile keikis; both were two canes, the larger ones on both being 4-5". I didn't think they were big enough to bloom, but around Christmas I saw nubs starting, so I pulled way back on water and eliminated fert. Much to my surprise they DID bloom in spring.
The Den keikis will most likely grow new canes when the original is finished growing, and those will grow roots a bit after.