Your preferred deflasking medium?
I am located in regional Australia and my supply options consist of Bunnings and that's about it, a bit hard to get used to having come from a major city! So I'm looking to get a good list of options to take with me to try and work out what I can get there that will hopefully be suitable. I know they sell sphagnum moss(although I find that problematic in our climate as it tends to be very wet and then dries out too quick), fine compressed coconut coir chip blocks, crushed terracotta and various basic potting mixes. They probably also have charcoal if I go hunting and if not the pet shop will stock it for filters.
So I'd love it if everyone could share their favorite deflasking mix/es, the ratios you use and also if you prefer them for certain species, the ones I am about to do are dendrobiums (spectabile, antenatum and others) and a Catt hybrid.