I hope this is the right place to make this post. I've been a long time lurker of this website and just had to make an account. I've been growing orchids for about 12 years now, and for the past 4 years have been doing research on orchid tissue culture methods.
I am in desperate need of seeds for my research!
Because of that need I can make an offer to you all here:
If you send me a seed pod/seeds that you have harvested (dry or green, doesn't matter) I can send you a flask or two with your orchids in it for free! The orchids I send back to you won't be part of my research, I will sow them separately according to a protocol I have been working very hard at perfecting over the last 4 years.
The time frame will be about
2 months turn around for most species, less if they germinate quicker. I will sow the seeds on sowing media, then after they germinate (2 weeks-1 month on average) I will transfer them to a semi-permanent container (I use 50mL sterile tubes, or magenta boxes). I will allow them to acclimate to the new media for about a week and will then send the baby seedlings back to you. Or if you'd prefer I can allow the seedlings to mature for several months in my growth chamber, the choice is yours.
All work will be done in an
academic biochemistry lab under a very high quality (actually only 1 month old!)
laminar flow hood.
So send me a PM and we can work out a deal, I am accepting any Genus/species of orchid!
(Sorry to mods if this is the wrong area, please move thread rather than delete if it is!
