I've had this orchid for quite some time, not sure on species. It began growing pups a few months back and I've heard varying opinions on when to remove them from the adult plant, some have said 3-3 rule, three roots 3 inches long, or when it flowers, or when it doesn't look as if it's getting nutrients from the parents any longer.
Thread won't seem to allow me to post pictures -.-
Keikis (pups) should have at least 3" of roots before removing them, but don't need to be removed at that point. Some will bloom within a year while on the parent. On some of my Dendrobiums I do try to wait for them to have bloomed, but it isn't necessary to do so.
Thanks for the reply, if you think it's best to leave it on I can do that without a problem. As soon as I can II'll post some pictures so you can see what I'm dealing with.
Last edited by Klondike4001; 10-05-2012 at 01:35 AM..
That's a Phalaenopsis. Once there are 3" of roots, it's a matter of personal preference when to remove. And climate (humidity) . It can be quite dry in summer where I am, so can be difficult to keep roots on keikis going for me at that time of year. I believe some Phal keikis can bloom on the parent while still quite small. I don't do well with Phals, so not much experience in that area. Yours look good!
Hi Klondike4001!
I had a phal with a keiki earlier this year. I removed it from the parent after it had two roots about a couple of inches long. Both parent and keiki are doing fine. Both your keikis look ready to be detatched from parent. And,I don't see a new leaf emerging from the parent plant. If it has been a while, I would remove keikis to let the parent fare better.
The parent just grew a new one a few months back and is in the process of growing a new stem. I removed the larger of the 2 today. The second only has a single root of note but is quickly growing another. Once that one reaches 2-3 inches I'll remove it as well. The parent seems to have outgrown its current pot. After this bloom, does anyone see an issue with repotting it?