Hi there and welcome! There is no fast way to propagate vandaceous orchids. Your options are waiting for the plant(s) to grow big enough and then topping, keiki paste and waiting for keikis to grow and then removing keikis, selfing and flasking and so on (4-5 year wait, but you end up with hundreds of Vandas), and meristem cloning (same wait time as selfing, minus seed pod development time, but it does require some cutting at the mother plant). Conclusion: selfing is the least "bloody" but takes the longest, topping is the quickest but most "bloody", and keiki removal is somewhere in between. I recommend keiki paste. I have read of different recipes for homemade keiki paste, but haven't heard any testimonies of their results. I am about to try some superthrive mixed into lanolin (waxy goop used for skin care, etc) on the stems of a couple of my Vandas, and I will post my results. Good luck!