1) There is no fertilizer that enhances flowering. High-nitrogen fertilizers stifle flowering, so switching to a low-nitrogen one "allows" it to happen. It is a myth that extra phosphorus is a "bloom booster". That extra P acts to dilute the N only, and is mostly unused by the plant.
2) Concerning dosage of ANY fertilizer, we have to keep in mind that orchids dislike hi EC solutions, and their vascular fluids ("sap", if you will) are far more dilute than that of most terrestrial plants - on the order of 25%, according to a PhD in that field I spoke to. That supports the application of weak fertilizer solutions.
For someone feeding approximately weekly, I recommend something in the 100-150 ppm N range; I feed at every watering, so shoot for 50-75.
Divide 10 by the %N to get teaspoons per gallon for 125 ppm (13/%N = ml/L), half that for my target range.