The first time I hear that somebody sows the seeds on a sterlized brick that is coated in banana. Using brick is OK (especially with hydroton or Leca because many orchids grow well in S/H); however, using only banana is not a good idea. Orchid , especially seedlings need macro elements such as N,P, K, Calcium, Magnesium, Ferrous also micro elements like Manganese, Copper, etc.. and vitamins (B1, Thiamine, Niacin...) to grow well. Is it possible to germinate using only banana? Yes it may. But seedlings absolutely are not good in brick and banana medium. Moreover, some reports say that Cym. could not germinate using banana. Why not try solution of MS, or Knudson, or V&W with banana/potato on brick. It should be much better. Anyway, it's not hurt to try and report what going on. Cheers.