Not that anyone is really interested, but I thought I would post my de-flasking results.
Since August 2009 here is what I have attempted.
First flask - C. aurantiaca from Meyers- yield 50 seedlings. After trading a few compots and loss, I have 7 NBS keepers.
Den. heterocarpum from Meyers - yield 80. Edit-found one survivor in the seedling tray! Dens are hard.
Den. thrysiflorum from Meyers - yield 32. Edit-found one survivor in the seedling tray! Dens are really hard.
Schlimmia condorana from Meyers - yield 50. way too difficult. Lost them almost immediately.
Epi. pseudoepidendrum from Meyers - yield 65. Very difficult but I have 1 surviving NBS seedling.
Max. brunnea - yield 60. way too difficult. Lost them almost immediately.
C. dowiana var rosita 'Cammie' x warscewiczii 'CAS' from Meyers - yield 50. Slowly but surely I'm getting better. 16 seedlings going strong.
Den. formosum 'Apricot Avalanche' x self from Meyers - yield 50. Finally some success with Dens. 12 SMALL seedlings coming along.
L. tenebrosa 'Rainforest' FCC/AOS x self from Meyers- yield 50. 8 seedlings going strong
Epi. ilense from Woodstream Orchids - yield 18. Too small in the flask. Lost to fungus.
Epi. Plastic Doll (pseudepidendrum 'Rudolph' CHM/AOS x ilense 'Penns Creek') from Woodstream Orchids - yield 18. Difficult but I have 3 strong seedlings going.
Epi. dixorum 'Hummingbird' x self from Woodstream - yield 13. Can't kill this one. All seedlings survived. Kept 3 big seedlings.
Den. brymerianum 'Charlie' × self from Meyers - yield 50. Dens are still very hard. 6 seedlings are hanging in there.
C. araguaiensis 'MC4756' × self from Meyers - yield 50. 20 seedlings going strong.
B. cucullata 'Red Star' × self from Meyers - yield 45. Difficult but 7 seedlings going.
Mc. albopurpurea x L. tenebrosa from ebay Topmacsniper - yield 35. 20 seedlings going strong.
L. purpurata 'WCL' x Mc. brysiana 'Heckler's' from ebay Topmacsniper - yield 35. 22 seedlings going strong.
Mc. albopurpurea from ebay Topmacsniper - yield 40. 30 seedlings going strong.
Epi. criniferum 'MC2285' × self from Meyers - yield 65. Too soon to tell. They are just de-flasked.
I guess practice does make you better.