Just wanted to show you the growth and repotting i did of some baby Catt's 4 wks outa the flask, they got moved out of the neo grow chamber to larger grow chamber. Needed to make room for more flasks comming in. These babies have done very well since i deflasked 4 wks ago, some of the roots have bark and pea gravel stuck to them i dont dare try to peel it off, as you can see in a few pics the tons of new larger fat root growth compared to the thin small flask agar root growth on the very botom, some random pics of my classification, larger babies, medium babies in hand and then pin dot babies on paper towel the ones some folks dont dare trying to grow out they were sooooooooo tiny in the flask, now putting on good size and new roots. Not all the flask babies are in these pics as my cam batteries took a dump on me..

But ya get the idea on how well there all doing. Also a pic of the potting mix i make up and use and then pics of some in one of the larger grow chambers where they will stay for the next 6 wks befour moving to open grow rack..

I had 130 babies right from flask and culled 8 pin dot babies and then few others that i just didnt like the way there leafs/whole plant was growing, so now im at 111 babies. I have had NO LOSES since deflasking, i just have a habit of culling what i dont think will not grow right. Now comes the real test if they continue to grow like this and do well with no loses from this repotting and moving for the next 6wks, well i guess i did something right.. LOL!! Couldnt get all the pics in will reply with more pics..