Originally Posted by Royal
As Duane said, contamination happens. Don't let it get to you.
Well said. I've had it happen months later, and I have a laminar flow hood. Always make extras if you can. I ge very little contamination, but I always make extras. Paranoia is a good thing when it comes to flasking
I'm not sure what the articles said. When I have replated a contaminated flask, I tried to isolate the contamination by putting pieces of paper towel soaked in 25% Clorox solution onto the contaminated area. Then I pluck the good stuff out and move it.
I have always been hesitant to scoop out the contamination for fear that I might spread spores as I was moving it. Also, remember that contaminants fall downwards. As you are working in the contaminated flask, make sure you keep the contaminated area at the bottom if you tilt your flask over.
Good luck!