I have been propagating vandas for sometime now and find that what it does work. Actually it first happened accidentally when my neighbour's son broke my vanda with a football, and low and below the bottom section began sending out side shoots (kiki).
What I now do is cut off the top section of the plant below two or more top roots. I replant the top section and continue to care for the bottom portion as if it was the complete plant. In a few weeks it will send out new plants. Sometimes up to 3. You get better result during spring time though. As soon as these kiki have strong, long established roots cut off and plant. I do this whenever my vandas get too tall or lenky. When doing this it is important to cut below established roots or you could loose the entire plant.
I will take some pics and post as I am now in the process of re-potting some vandas.
This works better for the sun vandas, terets, mokaras, ascocendas.