Can anyone give a bit of explanation or point to a document that describes replating technique. I have grown mushrooms by germinating spores on agar so I understand all of that; but when you are transfering plantlets to a new agar flask, how do you stick the plantlets upright into the agar?
you can replate as many times as you want (*) but the issue is keeping the environment sterile when transferring plantlets. My seed guy showed me examples of this and where the media had been contaminated. He said he would have to toss all the plantlets as there was reverse infection too.
Orientation of the plantlets doesn't matter as they soon "right" themselves when there are fewer in the flask.
In my recent deflask of Nobby's Amy there were plantlets upside down in the media that seem no different from the others in terms of health.
(*) providing new media has suitable nutrients
Last edited by orchidsarefun; 07-07-2013 at 12:50 PM..
I ran into this O.Geeks thread, and thought of your thread David, I hope this is of some help (answered a couple things I was curious about, but, I'm not flasking anything any time soon, so it doesn't much matter!) replating protocorms quick question - Orchid Forum Orchid Care