Stem Propagating Phal In class
I hope that the pictures come through. In my Plant Propagation class we finally arrived at tissue culture. In the lab we were told to get a cuttings from the schools greenhouse. I have always want to learn more about growing orchids and had once planned on trying to germinate orchids from seed. I decided I would cut off the stem of a Phalaenopsis in the Greenhouse and give it a go. The rest of my classmates were using cutting from Wandering Jew and Bridal Veil and I thought them way to easy to propagate.
Most of the Orchids in our schools greenhouse don't have names and are NOIDs and when they have plant sales on Fridays they really don't care much about the species name. Just that they're pretty and that they're tempting to buy.
We used four different medias, one is MS Media and one is plain Agar Base media and then I think one has fertilizer as well. The last one as you probably can tell, just has activated charcoal in it. As for the others I can't remember which has MS media and which is just plain Agar. So I will have to look at my class notes to tell you which is growing the best and which media had the greatest success.
The the other picture of the mason jars are my own experiment of stem propagating. I just got a Keiki that I bought and it had part of the stem with it. SO I thought why not just Stem Propagate it! It look like the stem was still alive and so I hope that it will work. I will post more pictures as things progress.
And of Course since this is my first attempt...Wish me Luck!