Sounds like a good project. Micropropagation is fun.
There are some standard media that are readily available. Musharigie and Skoog (probably misspelled) developed a nutrient media a while back that has become a base formula for many. There are variation from MS media like the addition of banana. It's sometimes referred to as P668, or with banana as P669. This can be good for a variety of robust species, or used at a reduced strength for Phals. There are others as well, I suggest going with a second, dissimilar formula so that if something fails to grow on one, it is more likely to survive on the other. Western (Kevin Western?) media is a good second.
As for seed, sometimes It's a crap shoot. Speed of growth can vary. All I can sat there is start with the freshest seed you can. I can help you there but it may not be what you're looking for.
Inducing keikis via cultural means is a topic that you may find good papers on. Using paste or gel can cause some issues. Your best bet would be to look at making stem props. It's basically inducing keikis, but as an explant in a test tube with more consistent amounts of available growth hormones.