Here are five dendroium keikis which I seperated from the mother plant and repotted a little over a month back. They all seem to be doing well and are happy to be by themselves:
Front left - Den Sonia
Front right - Den Siam Green
Rear left - Den Udhom Red Scarlet *
Rear middle - Den Sherifa Fatima
Rear right - Den Udhom Red Scarlet *
I'm sure these will grow nicely for you, Suresh. I've got a few growing as well and notice, they usually take more water than the grown ups. How often are you watering yours?
Hi Sandy,
Initially as soon as they were repotted I watered them once in four days depending on the weather and how warm it was; subsequently I water them every other day. They are kept indoors on a window sil. Although they do not get direct sun it is quite bright out there. I weak weekly fertilise them and they appear happy. They are hardier than we think. Good luck with your little ones.