They may be NOID's, but they still can be placed in a genus whether species or hybrid. NOID usually implies people know the genus name but not the species, grex, or cultivar name.
These look like Phalaenopsis pods. Am I right?
If they're Phalaenopsis pods, and they only formed about a month ago, they've got a long ways ahead of them. For most Phals, approximately 195 days from the date of pollination will be when the pods are ripe. Others take up to 300 days or more.
I believe the shifting of the color is due to something related to sun exposure.
Regardless of the cause, it's the plant cell's pigmentation.
If you look along the length of the pod, you'll notice these grooves that run along it. Those grooves are the pod's axis. When the pod is mature, it will split along those grooves, usually starting from the base (the part of the pod connected to the spike).