All ready to flask-- no seeds :(
I have all my stuff ready to begin flasking but have not received the seeds I've ordered. I just did 2 crosses on my blooms and hope to have pods in several months.
Does anyone have some seeds they would be willing to share so I can start playing. Nothing that's really precious because it's been years since the last time I did any flasking and I'm pretty rusty.
If any one is wiling to share some seed I will gladly pay postage for you to mail seeds to me and split seedlings if successful.
While I am very rusty on my sterile technique, I will be using autoclaves to sterilize all flasks, tools and media and all my flasking will be done in a professional laminar flow hood. Hopefully this will stack the odds in our favor. If anyone is willing to take a chance please let me know.
Thanks for considering this!