Paph. callosum compot care
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Old 07-28-2009, 08:23 PM
ryfrazier ryfrazier is offline

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Paph. callosum compot care Male
Default Paph. callosum compot care

Hello all. I'm about to receive my first flask of Paph. I've read up plenty on care of seedlings, but there's a real lack of info on compot care. The paphs in question are Paph. callosum, btw.

Any tips on a worthwhile media for these little guys? I'm in the clear as far as all other information's concerned, but I wasn't sure if sphag alone would do it. Thanks in advance for any help.

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Old 07-29-2009, 11:03 AM
John D. John D. is offline
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Sphag will work and is good especially if the plants are small. I use a small bark for larger ones sometimes with a layer of sphag on top for smaller plants. Most of my compots are in the clear clamshell containers that you can get in grocery store salad bars. The ones with a deep bottom work well. Melt a few holes in both bottom and top. The tops close to provide the higher humidity for the newly deflasked plants and you can leave it more open or remove it as the seedlings grow.
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Old 07-30-2009, 01:00 AM
Psyguy10 Psyguy10 is offline
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AHA! hello Ry, my fellow flask addict

I'll give you a rundown of what i did with my 2 flasks. It's worked so far, with a minimal death rate.

First off: you'll need pots (obviously) the size isn't too important, but for mine i used 3 inch square plastic nursery pots
As for potting media, i used pure long fibered sphagnum moss soaked in a very weak fertilizer solution ( i also line the bottom of the pot with packing peanuts)

Potting: i personally used Troy Meyer's compotting method

After you compot them you have to be careful... theres VERY fine line between too wet & too dry
I've let mine approach dryness and then i'd spray with just plain ol' handheld mister, enough to moisten the moss well

Temperatures: remember, these are basically babies.... think mild... but err on warmer at times rather then cooler.

and finally: PATIENCE! they grow slowly... it'll seem like you are doing something wrong; but it's perfectly normal for them to sulk the first month or so (and maybe die off )

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Old 07-30-2009, 04:45 AM
ryfrazier ryfrazier is offline

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Paph. callosum compot care Male

Thanks, Matty. I've actually done 95% of what you said. Made four compots today....packing peanuts @ the bottom, sphag as a medium, 3.5" square pots. Layered them about 3 across, 4 back. 12-ish plants per compot. Weakly (about 1/2 strength, maybe a bit less even) fertilized the sphag prior to compotting - also squeezed most of the water out of the sphag. Made sure to use gloves throughout the entire procedure.

SO..why the reply? Two little questions you might be able to help me out with.

1. Have you found an effective way to rid the agar from the roots? Had some trouble trying to rinse it away (was using sitting, purified water, so "rinse" is actually the wrong word.

2. Like I said, these are it seems like I may have some tiny corms? Or perhaps they're just really miniscule seedlings. If they are corms or some sort of teeny tiny seedling, any idea what proper care for these would be? It could increase my yield by about 10 plants potentially.

Well, thanks again, Matty. And thanks in advance to anybody else who can offer a helping hand.


P.S. Think my next flask's shaping up to be Den. spectabile!
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Old 07-30-2009, 09:52 AM
Psyguy10 Psyguy10 is offline
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whoo-hoo! compots! It's terribly fun to make them isn't it?

I can't really help you with the Agar question, sorry. the two flasks i have received came deflasked with very little/no agar on the roots, i did rinse them with luke warm water to make sure there was none hiding somewhere on them though.

The tiny corms: the most effective way in trying to keep them alive is potting them up as a clump, but don't expect them to live... they are small seedlings that aren't really ready to be out of flask ( it happens to all flasks... there's always runts) but if you plant them as a small clump that can improve their chances by increasing humidity.

And i have another piece of advice... place a fan by them. I've done it to mine and i'm not sure if thats why 85% of my vandopsis are still alive, but it's worth it to mention it to you
I do know t helps the moss dry faster which means less chance for fungus to develop.

Hope i've helped

SPECTIBILE! thats a great one! they seriously grow like monsters! mine has had at least one cane growing at all times since October
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