Those of you that know me know that I came to the OB looking for info on seed germination. That was almost two years ago and I've come a long way, due mostly to all of the smart, enthusiastic, encouraging members here on the OB - particularly you here in the propagation forum.
I've been able to set up a cheap, home-made flasking "lab" in my kitchen using no specialized equipment. I've been able to successfully germinate several species and recently deflasked my own first few batches.

The time has flown by (as it does that when you are having fun), and so many of you have contributed to my progress. I've come a long way in a short time and in a small town with virtually no other help. Here's how it all panned out.
I'm really a native orchid nut with a tropical orchid hobby. I wanted to do something for our natives here so I began researching propagation. To learn the process and practice my technique, I started with some seed from OSP - Enc. tampensis. They came up well and I was hooked. I started selfing every species that bloomed just to get the seed. I began trading and sharing with OB members all of the country and one in Canada. I soon realized that the ability to germinate seed leads me to the possibility of making and growing out my own crosses. Inspired by another OM member, I began dabbling in hybridizing. Now I'm trading (and mooching) pollen instead of seed.
To date, I've made 8 or 9 potential new crosses and have the first 2 or 3 in flask already. I'm really excited about the possibilities. Thinking about plants from a breeding perspective instead of just a collection standpoint has really increased the overall quality and variety of my collection. I now look for plants with breeding potential instead of just a small price tag. I feel more deliberate in my progress and more intimately connected with my orchids. I just wanted to send a heart-felt thank you to all that have helped me along my way. I could not have done it without this great forum, or its great members.