Well I figure there is a first time for everything.
I watched a pollination demonstration recently so I thought I would give it a go.
Yesterday early morning, I pollinated some of my chids. I figure if I get anything, I'll figure out what to do with the seed pods later (probably send to Meyers).
Tell me what you think:
Zygopetalum 'Blue Bird' x self
Ascocenda Khun Nok Nathakun x Renantanda Hew Mun (both as pod plant and parent plant - terminology?)
Dendrobium aggregatum (a.k.a. Den lindleyi)
IOSPE PHOTOSx Den Oriental Smile 'Fantasy' AD/AOS (both as pod plant and parent plant)
Brassoepilaeliocattleya (Toshie Akoi x West Connet Gold) x self
Oncidium harrisonianum x Tolumnia Genting 'Volcano' (both as pod plant and parent plant)
Onc. harrisonianum x Wilsonara Hot Spot (harrisonianum as the pod plant) - I want to try the Wilsonara as the pod plant but I have to wait for the next spike to open.
This one I messed up - Wilsonara Hot Spot x Brassada O-Rang 'Utan' (both as pod plant and parent) Wrong alliances...don't know what I was thinking. Ooopers
Both the Brsa and the Wils have multiple spikes so no biggie.
Question - I have the Haraella retrocalla with 2 spikes and I want to try it too. It is the SUBFAMILY Epidendroideae, TRIBE Vandeae, SUBTRIBE Aeridinae.
Do you think it will work with:
Epidendrum Hokulea (Joseph Lii x cinnabarinum) SUBFAMILY Epidendroideae, TRIBE Epidendreae, SUBTRIBE Laeliinae. - I really want to try this one as the colors of the Hokulea are SO red and vibrant.
I'm pretty sure it will work with:
Ascda Khun Nok Nathakhun SUBFAMILY Epidendroideae, TRIBE Vandeae, SUBTRIBE Aeridinae
and the
Rntda Hew Mun SUBFAMILY Epidendroideae, TRIBE Vandeae, SUBTRIBE Aeridinae