[/IMG]This is one of two flasks that germinated for me, my first attempts! The little plants are actually on the glass because I guess I moved it around too much, but I did swirl it around and get them back on the media. They germinated in 10 days, Bletilla striata, on OSP1, a homemade media using banana baby food. (These seeds were given to me by a generous OB'er).
The other flask is Cattleya grossi which took 28 days to germinate on the same media. They are still too small to photograph well, but maybe soon
I used a homemade glove box from an acrylic storage box w/lid with holes cut in it for the gloves which were duct taped in place. Used an old piece of glass for the top of the box so I could see in the box and I duct taped that to the top of the box also.

Gotta love that duct tape!
I collected jars w/lids from folks on Freecycle so they were free. Some seeds were given to me from another OB member and some I purchased from the Orchid Seed Bank Project very cheaply.
I did not spend a lot of money at all and many of the things you would need you probably already have in your home, and much of the information I used was collected on this site as well as 'Google' info.