Thanks for your enthusiasm

I agree we need ground rules and need to stay on topic to get through it all. I think if we keep focused on each step we could get through it pretty quickly and then there would be a complete guide for beginning flasking and folks could print it out. I know when I started collecting information some of it was so technical that I just skipped it and went on to the next site and it was a bit of a pain trying to find instructions for each step of the way that was not too complicated.
Personally, I would like to see very easy techniques using as much equipment that folks are already likely to have and doing it as economically as possible. We could post photos too. Having different techniques would be great so people pick out the one they are most comfortable with and try it out.
I was thinking that possibly the first step might be going over media and container preparation as they can order their seeds and make their boxes after the flasks are prepared.
Do you think we should just go ahead and start a new thread or discuss it here further?