Vandopsis = Vanda x Phalaenopsis
Doritaenopsis = Doritis x Phal
Catcyclia = Cattleya x Encyclia
Laeliocattleya = Laelia x Cattleya
Brassocattleya = Brassavola x Cat
Sophrocattleya = Sophronitis x Cat
Sophrolaeliocattleya = S. x L. x C.
Brassolaeliocattleya = B x L. x C.
Yeah, Cattleya breeds readily with a lot of other genera. It gets sticky when you have multiple genera involved. Up to 8 have been used in one cross! Usually they use artificial genus names like Potinara, Iwangara, and Rolfeara. I'm not too learned on that subject as I tend to stick to less primary hybrids and species.
Last edited by Royal; 04-23-2009 at 06:41 PM..