Hi all
i received my orchid flasks today containing (1x C,fort motte "leopard" x B cucullate,1x B.digbyana, 1x ctsm Pileatum,1x C.violacea ,sent to me from florida, they are all about one - two inches high and all have pretty good roots and leaves growing on them so look strong! which is great, i took them out today rinsed of the gell from there roots in tepid water and potted them on into small brown pots with spagnum moss surrounding and covering the roots, i now have them under a plastic dome to keep in the humidity in a u.v lighted terrainium that is about 78-80 degrees in the day with drop at night, i will mist them gently making sure they arnt soaking but kept hydrated to avoid drying out, am i doing this right as i havent done this before as always have had fully grown plants. thanks guys for any help that comes my way, cant wait to see them when they are a bit bigger, as to be honest i dont really know much about the typoe i have received, and i am new to orchid keeping but good with plants and would like some minatures to mount on wood