Home Made Flasking Media & Flask Sterilization
I'm relatively new to flasking orchid seeds. I'd like to start growing my own orchid seedlings from seed. The plants I plant to pollinate have tiny flowers and quite possibly tiny seed pods. I don't think sending them to a lab would be very practical. I've read articles on how to do it, and it sounds rather complicated. So...I have two questions:
1. Are there ways to properly sterilize the flasking jars without an autoclave or a pressure cooker? I've read somewhere about using an oven or steam from a pot of boiling water.
2. What are some good home made recipes for flasking media that any of you guys here use? The use of laboratory media isn't within my budget at the moment.
Agar is inexpensive here and I can get it at an Asian supermarket. I've read some people using mixtures of agar and potato water, agar and carrots, agar and pineapple juice, or agar and bananas.