Medium for (Cattleya) seeds?
Hopefully soon I will be flasking some Cattleya seeds that someone on OB is sending me soon. I'm not doing home flasking, I'm flasking in my university's labs, so I have all the ingredients at my disposal to make my own medium. A friend at the lab flasks seeds too, but is not happy with the medium he used (modified version of an Arabidopsis tissue culture medium) and has low germination rates. So I'm trying to do some research on the medium I need.
I was thinking of ordering (or finding the recipe to make myself) of a Phytotech medium, but saw on their website that have so many difference products! What's the difference between all the mediums? The bottom line is, which is best for Catts, if it even matters at all? Do some mediums eliminate the need for replating?
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