Does anyoneknow of a flasking service?
I cross bred a couple of phals one of them the mother plant being my peloric golden bells.. the father being a unknown but beautifull full form flower with a deep deep purple almost i swear black.anda white phal bred to the purbple the pods are developing.. and my attempt last year failed at growing the seed myself. so i want to find someone or a company that is honest.. to grow them to i guess the size you need before potting? i thought i found one.. i emailed them a couple of times but i never heard back.. dissapointing..
i rather not (not trying to be stingy lol) share the seeds all around just yet.. as i want to see what my flowers will produce .. i know there are some who will flask for a certain amount of the babies/flasks in return.. i might consider that if i am given credit for thier breeding.
. and then again not having ever done this before.. i have no clue how it all works out.. still a begginer in alot of things..