Originally Posted by Andrew
Unless you're planning on using sufficient sowing and replating media to warrant buying them separately a maintenance medium such as 6668 should be fine. Sowing media are usually just maintenance media prepared at lower strength and supplemented with fruit extracts (eg banana, coconut water etc). As orchids can respond to different supplements and these supplements can be inhibitory to the growth the germinated seedlings, it's often easier to buy the basic maintenance media and add your own extracts. This way you can experiment with different supplements and determine which works best for the genera you're working with.
Agreed. But media from the OSP is really cheap, so you may as well buy a few different types if you're placing an order. If you're ordering from Phytotech than shipping is outrageous so you might as well get all you need in the same box.
My point is just that a liter's worth of media is about 5 or 6 bucks. To buy liter-packs of 2 different kinds won't cost you more than buying two of the same type and then adjust one yourself.
You could even make your own, but just starting out you're better off with a prepared media formula with known concentrations. Once you have a little experience to work with, then try making modifications and doing experiments.