Hi My dendro cane broke.
It is about two feet long and a mature cane.
but unfortunately there are no rootlets anywhere on the cane.
I have dabbed some rooting hormone at the end of the cane and planted it.
Is there any chance of it establishing itself as an independent plant.
try the sphag & bag method. it probably won't grow new roots, but it might grow a keiki or two from one of the nodes. the keikis will grow their own roots, and can be removed from the cane and potted up when they're large enough. if you can't find a plastic bag large enough to hold the whole cane, cut the cane between the nodes, and bag the pieces seperately.
When this happens to me (I'm a goof ball so I always mess up something) I just put them in a damp covered area and they tend to always keiki. Some keiki fast but others just like to take their time. Just be patient.
Chubidubi, and friends thanks a lot.
U have put a smile on my face.
I have cut the cane into two and put them in air thigh bags with some moist moss in it.
I don't mind waiting for the keiks at all.
I waited for ten months for my baby
Last edited by iceicebaby; 11-17-2008 at 12:45 AM..
The gusty winds toppled my Dendrobium yesterday and her beautiful 20" cane snapped. It's time to try sphag and bag but I have a question. Should the leaves be removed from the cane first?
Hi My dendro cane broke.
It is about two feet long and a mature cane.
but unfortunately there are no rootlets anywhere on the cane.
I have dabbed some rooting hormone at the end of the cane and planted it.
Is there any chance of it establishing itself as an independent plant.