BTW Macodes petola is what is known as a Jewel Orchid. The term Jewel Orchid is very general and encompasses a few genera of terrestrial orchids whose leaves can sparkle in the light.
What Taceas is hoping for with the ex-vitro method of sowing Phalaenopsis seeds onto Macodes petola potting medium is that the symbiotic fungus (mycorrhizal fungi) from the Macodes petola will germinate the Phalaenopsis seeds. Orchids naturally form a symbiotic relationship with fungi to obtain their nutrients and to germinate from seed.
The mycorrhizal fungi that may be correct for growing Macodes petola (provided there are any in there), may not be the correct one(s) for Phalaenopsis seed germination.
Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 08-06-2009 at 02:17 PM..