Thanks ROb, I will take your advice on that.
They were stored dry for quite a long while.
ANyhow, when I let the jars cool, I did so by just leaving them alone. They were sealed the whole time. Maybe they weren't sealed properly.
Bad new time. The 6 jars have mold. THe last one is just starting to show. I spritzed it with some Hydrogen Peroxide, but its probably too late.
Is it ok to reautoclave this batch, or will the spores survive the autoclaving?
"We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots?"
I wouldn't try to re-sterilize it. You never know what kinds of byproducts the molds have made, even if you could kill all the mold spores. There are things to save money on, reusing medium is not one of them.
Tin I hate to say the mortality rate will probably be 100% without the use of a laminar flow hood. or there was a cross contamination of tools etc. I recently flasked some seed of phalaenopsis black ruby. the plant I bought cost me $100. So I thought it was well worth making 100,s more. Anyways you can pick up a laminar flow hood on the net for around $500.. I use premade agar mix powder form from a lab on the net. much easier then making own. As far as the seed goes. did you use a dry pod? or was it green pod? Green pod is the best to do because it is already sterile fresh from the pod. There is no washing of the seed by doing this way.
well thats all for now.