I just deflask about 6 flask and wanted to know if they looked all right .they seem to be doing fine but i wanted to know about fertilizer for them. some say 1/4 strength some say nothing and when to take the humidadome off them.
Hi ericst11,
Your babies are looking good. What kind of orchids are they?
From my short experience as an orchid grower, I took the dome off over approx. 3 weeks. I never cover the seedlings completely, the opening over my phal seedling would increase 1-2 cm every few days.
As with fertilizing, I would say, 1/2 strength when you see new growth (after the lid comes off completely).
They are very hungry when they come out. I give mine the same fertilizer and light as a mature plant of that species. I have had only good results from this. Not one problem! I know it goes against a lot of practices, and I was shocked when it was explained to me, but I am now a believer!
Looking good, Eric. Both above posts have good advice. You may want to experiment a little. Give a couple the 'adult' treatment, and follow conventional wisdom for the others.
1/2 strength fert is safe. Just watch your water quality. Jasen gave me that little tip about them being hungry and able to be treated more like a mature plant right out of flask. I tried it and have had good results.
thanks' the domes have vents in the tops so i'll start to open those and start the feeding .maybe a 1/4 the first week and ease them into 1/2 . cross your fingers thanks guys