Hey all you propagators out there!

HELP! I just can't control myself, and keep buying flasks. I think to myself, "ooo, I like that one" but then I wind up with WAY too many!

So I posted some classifieds to try to downsize, cover some costs, and spread the wealth a little. I got them all from AJ at the Orchid Seedbank Project. Great flasks! I recommend him.
I listed them for $1 each, and I'll toss in an extra just for insurance. It doesn't get much cheaper than that! (and plants don't come much smaller either) I would have thought there would be more of you that would love to get a few seedlings without having to buy the whole flask, but so far I haven't gotten that much interest.
So, I figured I'd post a thread here just to 'shake the tree' so to speak. Some of you may never even look at the classified section, but I know you love seedlings!
I have a few others that I didn't post, plus I have a few more coming.

Let me know if you're interested.