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Old 06-11-2008, 12:42 AM
adlemsi adlemsi is offline
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Yeah, I'll probably be really stressed out (like I need that) trying to flask orchids. I'll let the experts do that. It will be like adopting a newborn baby. The creating process is done by someone else, then I nurture them to adulthood, watch them grow, and be proud of their accomplishments.
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Old 06-11-2008, 01:04 AM
Orchidaholic Orchidaholic is offline
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Craig, for your newly unflasked babies I would opt for the pie tray. The media is up to you on what you want to use. Maybe do 2 pie trays. 1 with fine bark /pearlite /charcoal the 2nd tray with sphagnum moss. Gently plant the babies in it and seal them up. They will need to slowly adjust to the harsh outside world. Every week burn a small hole in the lid (bout 1/4inch). In a few months they will be "hardened" and may be able to plant into individual pots.

adlemsi, the compot you got of the amabilis may do a little better with a boost in their humidity. You can cut the top off a 2liter coke bottle and put it over the pot (with the lid off). As for the other in the 2.5in air pot, it could more than likely go into a 3in pot(plastic or terra cotta). Same for you as for craig, plant it into whatever mix you personally prefer, either sphagnum or a bark mix(fine or medium grade).

Good luck to the both of you and maybe share the wealth!!!
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Old 06-11-2008, 01:40 AM
adlemsi adlemsi is offline
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Hi Orchidaholic! Thanks for your suggestions. I have put both compots in a glass bell jar for humidity purposes. The seller suggested that I keep the individual compots with all the seedlings together a bit longer, until they're at least a few inches across.

The seller told me they lived indoors in a light cart, shelving with light bulbs about 10 or 12 inches over them. They got distilled water and a half-strength solution of fertilizer every week, and Superthrive every few weeks. They were indoors, so normal household temperatures are good for them. They cannot take direct sun, or they will burn to death very quickly, they are not in a windowsill.

I don't have Superthrive at hand, but I have Dyna-Gro Liquid Orchid-Pro Plant Food (7-8-6), Schultz Orchid Food, Norman's Optimal Orchid Nutrients, and Soluble Trace Element Mix (S.T.E.M.). I also ordered MSU-type Liquid Fertilizer and I have K-L-N Rooting Concentrate as well as Dyna-Gro Liquid Bloom Plant Food, which I don't think I need for now.

I'm wondering which combination on these products i should use on the seedlings. I'll probably use them (not all together ) at 1/4 to 1/2 the recommended dosage.
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Old 06-11-2008, 01:52 PM
Craig Craig is offline
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Orchidohol, thank you for helping us we were in need of your help! well you all my flask just arrived, rueben said it needed unflasked upon arrival, so your info came just in time, i hope they didnt get hurt basking in the mailbox for an hour or so in 90degree heat, my mailcarrier chucked the pkg in the box instead of knocking! ouch!! anyhow i was sweating over which container to use thank u, so, so, much i am in the same boat as our freind Adelemsi on the fertalizer question,, i have on hand three different choices,, Better-Gro 11-35-10, and bettr-Gro bloom buster 20-14-13, this company expounds on having NO UREA ! and i have Peters orchid food 30-10-10 that on hand, ive herd KLN or superthrive is good for the little ones, do you think i can use what i have and delute it, if so which would you pick? how would you mix and how often would you use it, or water? im going to unflask and do as you sugjsted with the pie containers im going to wet the spag with rainwater and plant em,, one more question, i have a small unused octagonal fishtank, its about 17" deep with a small Flouresent light, would you put the pie container in it? how long a light cycle do these babies need? i know its a lot of questions, i hope you have time to help me im lost,,, anyone else feel free to weigh in on this conversation, Adelemsi you too! thank you al so much!! Update: ok well there deflasked i gotta get my camera hooked up to this dagone computer to show you some pics but you probably can picture it ok i ended up with 2 pietrays with rainwater wetted spag about 15 babies in each pie container, i put the 4 biggest plants that were to tall to raelly be in the pie container in some small clear pots with wetted spag, i slid them each in large zip lock clear bags and sealed them i put one pie container in the small octagon fish tank with one ziplock bag with 2 small pots inside it, down in the bottom, i put one pie container outside the fish tank next to it so it picks up the light, my big question now is what fertalizer ratios and how long to leave the light on, i dont expect anyone to go sofar as to explain ever detail i should do next but if anyone has any advice on the fertalizer and light cycle that would be great!!

Last edited by Craig; 06-11-2008 at 07:48 PM..
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Old 06-11-2008, 10:13 PM
adlemsi adlemsi is offline
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I'll appreciate the answers to Craig's questions as well

I put both compots in a glass bell jar overnight and left them out during the day with the ceiling fan on for air circulation.

Last edited by adlemsi; 06-11-2008 at 10:16 PM..
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Old 06-12-2008, 01:37 AM
Orchidaholic Orchidaholic is offline
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Guess I'm the only one to chime in on this, but that's what I like to do! Help a fellow orchid grower!

Adlemsi, with the products you have, maybe use the Dyna gro 7-8-6 weakly weekly and the KLN once every 2 weeks to a month. Watch them closely with the ceiling fan on, they could dry out too much or too fast. I keep most of my seedlings about 6-8inches away from the lights (2 4ft 30w t5's). For duration of lighting, there is no beneficial effect after 14-16hrs a day of lighting. I do mine at 12-14hrs a day(depending on season).

Craig, Just to clarify something om the Sphag. a good approach is to fully soak the sphag and squeeze out the excess. You want it damp but not soggy. If it is to wet you could run into some fungi issues. For your ferts you could use either but at 1/8 to 1/4 dilution for the 1st month Then maybe increase it to 1/4 strength. Your seedlings are much younger than hers and could burn if used too much. As for the lighting, they need to be atleast a foot away if not closer to the lights(if using fluorescent). Encyclia's can take a good bit of light so you could probably keep the light within a few inches of the pie trays. For the 4 big ones, you could put them all into a compot and sit them into the tank.
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Old 06-12-2008, 09:05 AM
adlemsi adlemsi is offline
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Orchidaholic! What dilution should I use for the Dyna Gro 7-8-6? I keep the ceiling fan on all day, adjusting the speed according to the temperature. The only reason I keep it on is because the windows in my room are sealed (horrible landlord ) so it's the only way I can air out my room.
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Old 06-12-2008, 04:01 PM
Royal Royal is offline
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Orchidaholic is giving you all some good info. He's right about the wet sphag, it will cause issues if it's soggy. You really want the humidity high, but the media on the drier side. Not dry, just on the drier side. If the humidity is right, you wont need to wet the media.

Just mix the fertilizer at 1/4 strength to be safe. You are really just trying to keep them alive for a month or so, then you can start increasing light and food to get them growing.

Look at the temperature needs for the mature plants of your variety and add 5-10 degrees for the seedlings. Sometimes the light can provide this extra heat. Good luck you two!

Oh yeah, one more thing --> 7
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Old 06-12-2008, 04:26 PM
Craig Craig is offline
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Orhidoholica, thank you for chiming, your chimes have been greatly apreiciated, your a good person, we both wernt getting much help, its not anybodys fualt but ours but its kinda like when my new Harley Davidson Springer Fell over on me, when i thought i had the kick stand down at the bank i go to, that super fried skin removing engine laying on top me in shorts with 1100lbs of Harley Hogg laying on top me still running, everyone outside the bank just looked kinda and stared at me,, 3 or 4 of them !they didnt want to get involved, thats what most people do, its a fact of life, its just bad when its your turn to find it out, but somthing tells me Orchidolholica, you would have helped me, and then maybe Royal mighta came over next to help us get it up offa me, thanks guys maybe someone like you guys will be there for you all like that, if its ever your turn to go down someway or maybe just need a helping hand! it takes the same character, thanks guys!! Update; hey all i sounded kinda harsh there: i cant walk yet from my accident, i have bad days , i really love my orchids they bring me peace and i feel great when they do good, you all on this site are great people, i got love for ya all: i really do ,nevermind me i babble alot!!! i will keep it to a min. thanks for all.

Last edited by Craig; 06-12-2008 at 05:18 PM..
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Old 06-12-2008, 10:11 PM
adlemsi adlemsi is offline
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I think some people are hesitant about giving advice on compots because not many have experience, and some that do might not want to be held responsible if the seedlings don't make it to maturity.

Thanks, Orchidaholic and RoyalOrchids! You took the time to give Craig and I the advice we needed. I'll keep you in mind if I ever need advice (which I'm positive I'll need) in the future.

Thanks, Craig for being persistent with your questions!
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