You could try the microwave method and add Plant Protective Mix from Plant Cell Technologies and gentimiacin or some other standard antibiotic used in tc. This would give you some protection and might see you through without the need for a pressure cooker (I gather they’re tough to source in Europe). Another method would be chlorine gas sterilization as posted in this sub.
Very Easy Sterilisation Method - My Seedlings
For discussion sake, steam is used to sterilize tools, media, etc. as it contains much greater energy than hot air or water due to the principle of latent heat/energy (of vaporization in this case)…it’s not the temperature that is the key, but the energy…look it up for an actual definition but the gist is that steam contains all the energy required to convert the water to steam. When the steam condenses on the load (tools/media), that energy is transferred to it. Anyone ever blasted with steam can attest to what serious damage can result from very minor contact.