Originally Posted by Roberta
Hummingbirds LOVE those bright reed-stem Epidendums! (They also self-pollinate pretty easily) The Epis also don't seem to be picky about where they germinate... I have found them growing in other pots.
Roberta, I wouldn’t be surprised if a hummingbird or a butterfly paid a visit—this is growing not far from a 20+ foot Hamelia patens(firebush is the common name I’m most familiar with) shrub that becomes a pollinator magnet when in bloom. No matter how it got pollinated, I’m not against having a bunch of reed-stemmed Epidendrum seedlings, although I don’t want them potentially escaping cultivation and becoming established where they’re not wanted or needed

---------- Post added at 01:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:36 PM ----------
Originally Posted by estación seca
OB member epiphyte78 has described scattering reed stem Epidendrum seeds on his trees, and having some sprout.
ES, thank you for putting me on to epiphyte78’s post—pure gold amazing read! I’ll need to keep an eye out for pods in the future though because if these are easily germinated, I don’t want to accidentally introduce these to the wild!
Radicans is only documented as escaped from cultivation in 2 counties, and I’m not trying to make it 3