I'd very much like to get into hybridizing orchids. Unfortunately, that would require certain equipment to establish sterile conditions, that probably costs a fair bit of money
I know that, with mushroom cultivation, which seems to share a lot of similarities with orchid germination, there are a lot of "cheap" setups involving pressure cooker "autoclaves", still air boxes (which as far as I can tell is basically a gloveless glovebox), relatively affordable miniature flow hoods (I think Lab Ratz is a popular one).
I figured it would be worth asking anyone here who germinates orchid seeds what kind of price ranger their equipment is.
Also, In
this question, the OP mentions that asymbiotic germination developed in the 1920s by Bernard, Burgeff and Knudson. I don't remember exactly, but I think the laminar flow hood wasn't developed until the 1960s. Does anyone know what kind of methods they used? I wonder if a setup more like theirs might be more affordable.