Hey gang!
So even though I've been growing orchids for not even a year yet and having a relatively small collection, I've become more and more curious about breeding and hybridization, specifically more about Vandas.
I know some people will probably roll their eyes once they read this, but I think the idea of mixing in the hardiness and varieties of mutations that Neofinetia/Vanda falcata can have in with other Vandas is overall a great idea. I know it's probably considered to be overdone, but I see a lot of value in it.
However I know there's many caveats to this. For one, things like variegation, sumi, leave size and shape mutations that Neo. falcata varieties present are likely not things that can be transferred to offspring.
An example being that, at least from what I've read so far, Fugaku is one of the only varieties in which variegation
can be transferred down to offspring.
Even still, having something like a dark purple flowered Vanda with variegation is definitely a pipe dream at best, unless of course you're a gene altering wizard with a lab that costs the same as the average GDP of some tiny country in Asia.
So, from my perspective, if I were to create some cross between a Neo. falcata and some other Vanda or plant of another genus, the things that would matter to me, in no particular order, are:
- Flower color
- Flower shape/form
- Flower fragrance
- Mature flower average count per spike
- Mature plant size
- Nectar spur length
- Nectar spur count
To actually ask a question here, let's give an example of something that sounds interesting but I have no idea how it might turn out, going for flower form and color.
Some Vanda species/hybrids have very nice looking "lips" on them that compliment the rest of the flower, giving the flowers a more distinct look that isn't just a star-like shape. Neo. falcata 'Soubiryu' (双尾龍, it means 'double-beared dragon') is a variety that has both a double lip and double spur.
In this case, is it worth crossing a distinct lipped Vanda with a unique flower type Neo like 'Soubiryu'?
More broadly, is it even worth mixing in distinctive flower variety Neos with Vandas, in hope of creating a different looking flower Vanda hybrid, especially considering some
hanamono Neos can start getting up there in price, maybe even distinctly lipped Vandas as well?
The reason I ask is that from looking around and seeing Neo and Vanda hybrids, it seems like flower genetics are more likely to get passed on then variegation or leaf mutation.