Originally Posted by Fairorchids
Are you doing this because you have a purpose, or goal of creating something new; or are you doing it just because you want to try?
If the former, by all means go ahead.
If the latter, please don't. There are millions of generic Phalaenopsis without names coming out of the nurseries, and we don't need any more.
So technically I have left OB but I was questioning my decision. I was thinking ok MyGreenpets started trying Inocucor beginning of this year and I wanted to see the updates. I made some friends and a lot of enemies.
But overall I do still want to participate but look at the interest this post has shown.
Basically little to "don't do it"
Ha, reinforces my belief that I won't influence anybody here and I'm just better keeping my hobby and my green pets to myself.
My aim is to have the greenest orchids that produce the most flowers which is not easy! Striving to figure out how to achieve it - I know - has led to people not liking me.
But that is fine, what was the saying recently by someone, let the fires of the bridges I burn light the way or something.
Or one has to break some eggs if one wants to make an omelette?
Anyway my latest experiment is coming a long so well after just a few weeks when I thought it would take months to see results I was excited and wanted to share my results but had to remind myself that is how I ended up deciding to leave. Every week it's the same answer, you need some expensive chemical to solve your orchid problems, not figure out what the problem is that is ailing them to start with. To me that is the completely wrong approach but my opinion is not welcome which is why I think it is best I leave. It is sad to say but participating in the forum has not been fun for me lately.
Camille, you have been the only positive contributor lately, so thank you for that. You literally made my visits worthwhile and you need to take more responsibility in stopping non-orchid growing trolls using this site to pretend they can grow orchids. You know who I am talking about.
But hey this is just my goodbye rant so whatever, maybe I am the problem. My therapist did tell me I am too self absorbed so that would explain why forum interactions are not for me. Who cares it would seem.
My opinion is that breeding Cattleya's without a fragrance is the biggest atrocity that modern cattleya breeders are committing but Kim, thousands of people are doing it.
That is my opinion.
Is it an atrocity that I am making a cross of this one? Maybe. It has got a name but the name is so long that I won't be calling it that. I will be making up a new name for it. I've got a good one picked out already.
So why this one? It is my most vigorous hybrid out of 40+ phals I have. It blooms twice a year and is one of my most fragrant.
So would it be a waste to share this one with the world or should I focus my attention on non fragrant Cattleya's?
So I am sorry to say OB but my days of arguing with fully grown kids over who is the better grower are over, some of you might rejoice, like said I know I have made enemies.
When I first joined I didn't think the hobby was so competitive or secretive. Or that there was such a big divide and even hatred between species growers and hybrid growers.
Some breeders try to protect their secrets and wouldn't dare about sharing how to breed seeds.
Well guess what I have a lot to learn on that front from which orchid media works best to how to grow seedlings.
I am hopeful that I even manage to get just one seedling from this attempt, it is more of a teaching experiment for myself - mainly to try different substrates.
But for someone who wastes their time breeding non fragrant Cattleya's to tell me not to breed one of my best phals?
Yes that is exactly the kind of answer to convince me my projects are better shown elsewhere