Originally Posted by HumbCa
I have some jars with dendrobium small plants growing on Murashige and Skoog (most plants already have tiny leaves and roots), this is the first time I've gotten this far and I was pretty excited.
Unfortunately I did something wrong when repotting the plants to new jars with fresh medium and now they're contaminated; funghi are developing on the repotted jars
I would like to know whether there's something I can add or do to save my plants.
Thanks for your help, and may you have better luck than me.
Probably you have got a solution for your problem or lost your culture until today. But let me give an working advice for this kind of oroblems.
if your plant produced leaves and aerial roots even small you can save them by liquid culture. fill some perlites to a jar and pour liquid MS medium without agar and sugar until half of perlite. put your seedlings over perlite and make and ventilation hole at the cap. but cover hole with a medical nonwoven flaster.
Hobibotanik on Instagram: “Phalaenopsis developing on Liquid medium with perlite is quite sucsecful. #phalaenopsis #micropropagation #planttissueculture…”