What is the best time to replate orchid seedlings? I have flasks of Phalaenopsis manii that were sown about a month ago and now have protocorms about 1-2mm in diameter with lots absorbing hairs on most of them.
Did you end up replating? I'm not exactly sure but I think replating some time between one/two months from sowing date is a good idea. The number of protocorms per jar (ie., how densely they were sown) is a large factor, though. Can we please have a picture? Just for fun because I'm curious to see the seedlings.
wow, that is really cool!!!! I think maybe you should wait a little longer until some start to grow primordial leaves/roots because then you can focus on the stronger ones (since when you replate you'll mainly be selecting the larger ones and spacing them out more). but of course, with the slightly crowded conditions, it might take a bit longer before they start differentiating a bit more.
yeah, that is what I was thinking as well. Also, the medium I chose is specifically designed to allow a little more leeway on late replating, which should help too.