Hardening Off Recently Deflasked Seedlings
I recently purchased 2 flasks of seedlings, one of Barkeria spectabilis and the other of Houlettia odoratissima. From a standpoint of their respective general cultures, it would be difficult to find 2 species of orchid more dissimilar from each other. Barkeria are epiphytes that are very seasonal in their care, liking wetter, shadier summers and brighter dry winters due to the deciduous nature of the trees they grow on. In fact they can themselves be deciduous. In nature they can see temps as low as the 40s and as high as triple digits F. When choosing a substrate for them, "none of the above" is as good a choice as any, if not better under typical greenhouse conditions. Even when mounted, they act like they want to escape it. The Houlettia on the other hand are terrestrials from wet, shady conditions. Their care is basically the same year round, consistently moist, low light conditions with moderate seasonal temperature variation. Their optimal substrate hugs them and they hug it back. But both groups have been grown in near optimal conditions, and as an indoor/outdoor gardener the importance of acclimating plants gradually isn't lost on me! Here are the setups for each species, based upon my attempt to cater to their needs while acclimating them to the hard, cruel world outside the flask. I hope to update this thread over time with pics of the plants as they transition to the real world and start to develop:
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