rtw73 |
07-27-2018 11:54 AM |
Cattleya Martin Wolfe x Aurantianca
5 Attachment(s)
I've had an account on here for years but I was restricted from posting so I made a new account lol...
I bought this orchid in October on eBay from a seller that was clearing out a neglected collection of some cool orchids. This one was quite large (maybe 15 psbulbs/ 10" tall and 10" diameter) and compact yet had basically no viable roots. I threw it in a clay pot without media under LEDs in my college dorm bathroom all winter and it grew tons of new roots although I didn't think it was receiving enough light to bloom. However, when I came home for summer it pushed out 2 buds, one blasted. According to the seller it is a new hybrid and it hasn't bloomed previously. The flower is about 3 inches across and smells like honeysuckle. It started opening 2 days ago, hopefully it flattens out. I had no idea what to expect. I love the red and markings. There are subtle markings on the petals too which are revealed in bright light. Plus the growth is really "bushy" and compact. I usually hate the foliage of catts. I'll cherish this one!!