mjHuntingtonBeach |
07-25-2016 01:23 PM |
Species and culture
In response to your question, the lavender is a S. rogersiana ('De Brito') and the white at the top is a S. macrantha ('Angelica') the off white in the lower half of the picture is a hybrid S. mirabilis ('Luna Nueva'). The other posting I have here showing white with lavender lip is a NOID.
As to culture, I have these in 2 and 3 gallon pots, potted in fir bark (a mix of medium and seedling grade). I water several times a week as these orchids prefer to stay moist. Feeding is usually on the weekly/weakly schedule. Both of these are growing in mid-day/afternoon sun.
Here in So Cal near the beach (2 miles), days tend to stay comfortable, evenings in summer are in the low to mid 60's and often with marine layer moisture. I keep them out all year, so in winter they get exposed to temps down into the mid-high 30's and low 40's on the coldest nights, 50's- 70's daytime.