GGracieGoodman |
04-28-2016 10:05 PM |
Deformed flowers on mini phalaenopsis?
I bought this mini phal and I saw that the lip of one of the flowers was missing, I thought that it just got torn off from something because the rest of the flowers looked fine. After I had bought it and with closer inspection I noticed that there was no damage where the lip should've been "torn off", it looked almost as if just bloomed that way. I didn't think much of it and kinda put it at the back of my mind, then I saw that another bud was opening up and it only had 4 petals and no lip. What? I am very confused by this. Is this a normal thing, will it happen every time it blooms, does it only happen to mini phals? Thanks in advance!
Below are the photos of the orchid, the first one is of what the flower is supposed to look like and the other two photos are the same deformed flower.